ALAN 中級會員 
註冊時間: Apr 22, 2004 文章: 113
發表於: 星期三 2004-10-06 19:10
想請教各位德系腕錶的前輩,UG有一款三針一線〔REGULATOR〕,請問台灣地區有在販售嗎? 如果有,請問何價格可以購得呢?謝謝大家
king 資深會員 
註冊時間: Aug 25, 2003 文章: 1000 來自: 17 號公園
發表於: 星期三 2004-10-06 20:56
wy02 資深會員 
註冊時間: May 10, 2003 文章: 535 來自: 地球上
發表於: 星期三 2004-10-06 23:17
wy02 在 星期六 2004-10-09 13:04 作了第 1 次修改
flyback 歐美特派員 
註冊時間: Nov 11, 2003 文章: 839
發表於: 星期四 2004-10-07 00:02
If you want one, please let me know. I know a guy in Singapore who has one and he wants to sell it.
wy02 資深會員 
註冊時間: May 10, 2003 文章: 535 來自: 地球上
發表於: 星期四 2004-10-07 01:11
wy02 在 星期六 2004-10-09 13:05 作了第 1 次修改
flyback 歐美特派員 
註冊時間: Nov 11, 2003 文章: 839
發表於: 星期四 2004-10-07 01:17
his is used, but I believe it's above 95%.... and the price is well under $3000.
wy02 資深會員 
註冊時間: May 10, 2003 文章: 535 來自: 地球上
發表於: 星期四 2004-10-07 01:17
wy02 在 星期六 2004-10-09 13:06 作了第 1 次修改
ALAN 中級會員 
註冊時間: Apr 22, 2004 文章: 113
發表於: 星期四 2004-10-07 01:24
flyback 寫到: | his is used, but I believe it's above 95%.... and the price is well under $3000.
flyback 歐美特派員 
註冊時間: Nov 11, 2003 文章: 839
發表於: 星期四 2004-10-07 03:23
yeah, it's used. If you are interested, please let me know. I'll forward it along to him and see if he's still selling it.
Sorry, I'm not sure about the exact case size.
flyback 歐美特派員 
註冊時間: Nov 11, 2003 文章: 839
發表於: 星期四 2004-10-07 03:36
Stupid me.. Yes, it's in USD.
I think he was asking for 2700 or something around there. I'm not sure though.