WatchBus 手錶討論區 :: 觀看文章 - 全系列產品皆使用自家機芯的廠牌有哪些?
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發表 發表於: 星期日 2003-10-26 09:38

Uh Uh Wrong guess ! 我不是從事與鐘錶有關的行業,我也是都從書籍雜誌,網路,錶店獲得這些知識.我也不是特別著迷或成癡,只是慢慢地累積一些知識而已.所以我自己認為是more likely a
visionary than a practician.
幸好你只是問我impression而不是experience或user comments.因為這三個牌子我都不曾擁有過.
Union Glashuette想必你也蠻清楚了.雖說是Glashuette Original的副牌,可也有它自己的氣質.雖不知品質與GO相差多少(打磨,雕花吧?或許有那位仁兄可以為我們說明),看在相對廉價上,不失為值得納入的對象.Union在台灣有人代理,這一點我們可就比你們幸福囉!
Have a nice Sunday.
發表 發表於: 星期三 2003-11-05 04:58


Sorry for taking so long to reply. I wanted to think about what you wrote first. I'm a little surprised with our on going conversation and very much appreciate it. I guess I didn't anticipate such insightful exchange in the first place. And I think you are pretty thoughtful yourself but being modest about it. Anyway, to a certain degree, you and I share the same view. I believe most things in our society are driven by marketing these days. We were told what to wear, to drive, and even to think. To a certain extent, we have lost our individuality because of all this. And I found this characteristic especially obvious in Asian societies. This can probably be a much more sociological discussion and belong to another forum.

As for myself, I try to live my life with filters, which hopefully, remove all the unnecessary marketing noises. Do I still fall for it? Absolutely! I still think the "we don't and will never make any quartz watches" is a great way to establish one's particular brand image and when I eventually get something along that line, I will feel good about it. On the other hand, I want to study each brand thoroughly. I want to know the history, craftmanship, prestige, and everything about it before I fall for it. At the end, I don't want to get a Rolex because everyone knows about it, or not getting a small German brand because no one knows about it. And personally, I'm not a big fan on decoration. I don't care for diamonds and gold, and if one day, I can afford a $50,000 watch, I can guarantee you there will not be any diamond on it. It's the heart of the watch that counts.

Ok, I'm babbling again and I may have made this thread becoming overly romantic or idealistic. But I think I'm a purist at heart. Or, maybe this is just the honeymoon period that everyone goes through when they dig into a new found hobby. I don't know.

May I ask if you have a collection yourself. If yes, mind to share? I'm just wondering.


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