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發表 發表於: 星期三 2004-04-28 00:42

PuristS Jaw's complaint about Watch Bus stole his pictures:
發表 發表於: 星期三 2004-04-28 12:25

I must confess that we did "steal" or "borrow" the pictures from Jaw without prior permission. But we did acknowledge him by the way that the viewers could see a statement when they move their mouse over. However, we have written a statement on thePuristS to apologize for copyright infringement. There is no excuse to interfringe others' copyright. But, if we can beg your pardon, that is because we want to share with you, not only in our own interests. We also apologize if this makes you shamed of being our visitors.

We just can't afford the efforts to ask for prior permissions for all the pictures and ideas form the other posters on the internet. We do hope to give adequate credits to them, but sometimes we did make mistakes. As you could see, we credit them when the pictures appeared on the Coppermine modules. We have stated the difficulty we encountered and confessed that inevitable infringement might happen in our Disclaimer page. We beg their pardon, but if they can't accept, we will remove the pictures.

We apologize again and will do our best not to let this happen again.

We are your express shuttle to the wonderful world of watches.

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