諸位 先進大大們 好!
前陣子 製作了一些 小沛錶帶, 今日特藉此版面登出與諸位先進大大們 分享,
歡迎 諸位先進大大們 不吝提出建議與指教.
今日登出 A2025~ A2035 的手工錶帶, 包含灰藍色和紅色的大骨鱷魚錶帶.
Some Panerai custom straps Custom A2025~Custom A2035 including grayish blue & red big horn croco straps. Cheergiant
Custom A2025, 24x24mm, 120x65mm, grayish blue big horn croco strap, cream stitch.
Custom A2026, 24x24mm, 120x65mm, red big horn croco strap, red stitch.
Custom A2027, 24x24mm, 80x140mm, thick 8.0mm taper to 6.0mm, ultrasoft black cowskin strap, cream stitch.
Custom A2028, 24x22mm, 120x75mm, heavy padded tan vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.
Custom A2029, 24x24mm, 120x75mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, yellow cowskin strap, yellow stitch.
Custom A2030, 22x22mm, 130x70mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, tan vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch. 0
Custom A2031, 22x22mm, 130x70mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, dark brown grained cowskin strap, cream stitch.
Custom A2032, 22x22mm, 130x70mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, blue cowskin strap, cream stitch, black calf lining.
Custom A2033, 22x22mm, 130x70mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, dark blue cowskin strap, cream stitch, black calf lining.
Custom A2034, 22x22mm, 130x70mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, black ultrasoft cowskin strap, cream stitch.
Custom A2035, PAM 177 custom black croco belly strap, 24x24mm, 125x75mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.5mm, black stitch.
以上登出 幾款鱷魚皮以及牛皮的手工錶帶, 感謝點閱!
歡迎您 參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant 刊登在 沛那海 討論區 的其它手工雙層牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的相簿:
George Lan
george3616013 在 星期四 2013-05-02 20:07 作了第 1 次修改
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