jjmouse 新進會員
註冊時間: Feb 23, 2011 文章: 3
發表於: 星期三 2012-09-12 23:43
今年5月買入一隻二手水貨IWC BIG PILOT,有買入單(1/2012)FULL SET 有WARRANTY CARD,
事發 : 6月發覺隻錶個錶面10點位條INDEX 有D膠痕/FLAW瑕疵,約1,2MM
咁拎曬WARRANTY CARD同INVOICE 就去 TST DFS度放低隻錶(12/6),2個月後(23/8)DFS話可以拎返隻錶,
一睇之下,發覺仲衰過未整果時,新整上去條INDEX D 色同之前完全唔同,又厚好多,最死係仲畫到有D出界!
咁梗係叫DFS SEND 上去比手IWC再整(23/8)。
咁我話點解會無WARRANTY,佢話因無AD CHOP,明明我張CARD就有AD NAME ,佢地話無,買之前我仲有EMAIL 問IWC 呢間係咪AD,佢地復話係。
我同DFS講 1)無保點會幫我整到隻錶咁,2)呢個瑕疵係在錶入面,即係出廠就係咁,而家IWC要個客比錢黎REPAIR返,3)IWC維修人員質數,REPAIR唔係REPAIR 到完好,求其咁整完!
尋日IWC既ALEX LO打黎,話經過佢地MANAGEMENT分析過我個CASE,你估係咩:
佢話我隻錶無WARRANTY,因無AD CHOP!!!我話明明有CHOP,只係無日子,跟住講話我5月EMAIL問過IWC,我張WARRANTY CARD 係咪AD,佢復話係,之後佢話我隻系2手,所以無保!跟住我話你唔比係人送比我,送就無保?之後佢只係不停REPEAT總之今次要整就要$2000,話整完會送返一年保比我!
最後咁我話你BLACK ﹠ WHITE REPLY 返成個CASE同邊個係整到隻錶咁仲話係佢地STANDARD,同MANAGEMENT 個名比我,我話左會POST各大FORUM,包括IWC FORUM,佢地今日只係回D垃圾黎:
Dear Mr. XX,
Thank you for your patience.
We deeply appreciate your comments in regards to your watch service, and have forwarded to our related departments.
After further investigations, the condition of your timepiece is considered as good by our Watchmakers. Since the illumination mass are handmade, there are some tolerances. This specific case of the 10h illumination mass is, according to our quality department, within the IWC quality standards. The illumination mass is therefore to be considered as good.
In reply to your request, as the names of our Watchmakers are confidential information, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide the requested information.
If you wish to receive the timepiece back, please kindly confirm your request. Once we have received your detailed response, we will inform our 1881 Heritage Boutique and your timepiece will be transferred to the boutique for pick up.
We look forward to your detailed feedback. If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Lo
Client Relations Advisor
IWC Schaffhausen
我只係想隻表個10 點INDEX 同其他一樣,真係咁難?
見到隻表,覺得仲衰過自已油咁,之後可以話個STANDARD 係咁,一個正常人絕對睇到個求係後加上去。
而家我唔想拎隻錶住,因拎左好似代表我接受佢地,有無師兄有IWC HEADQUARTER 個EMAIL ?
chipoh 白金會員
註冊時間: May 23, 2004 文章: 4556 來自: 香港
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 00:07
jjmouse 新進會員
註冊時間: Feb 23, 2011 文章: 3
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 00:17
chipoh 白金會員
註冊時間: May 23, 2004 文章: 4556 來自: 香港
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 00:20
我可以話你聽,依家香港好多 service center 既師傅做野都係求撚其
rolex.... swatch group..... FJ Benjamin.....
我只相信 Zenith,因為原來香港 LVMH 請左個瑞士師傅維修 Zenith
隻 Bell & Ross 拿去 FJ Benjamin,清潔 sapphire crystal 裡面一粒塵
等左 20 分鐘,仲衰過之前
再等 20 分鐘再清潔,仲仲仲衰
佢叫我放低隻錶 2 weeks 等佢大清潔
正,成個 sapphire crystal 花撚過西
好想叫個師傅出黎兜口兜面小 9 佢
但我知小 9 佢都無撚用,當自己整花算撚數
老老實實講,我真係覺得鬼佬師傅係 pro 好撚多多多多
tiamo2005italia 進階會員
註冊時間: Aug 22, 2012 文章: 302
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 00:32
Leader 資深會員
註冊時間: Jan 21, 2012 文章: 587 來自: 洛城
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 03:16
tiamo2005italia 寫到: | 香港文都看沒有••• |
pp 資深會員
註冊時間: Dec 05, 2003 文章: 568
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 09:05
lexus1017 中級會員
註冊時間: Sep 12, 2012 文章: 229 來自: Tainan.安平
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 09:18
social 資深會員
註冊時間: Jun 16, 2010 文章: 1521
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 10:09
1)2012年5月買入二手水貨IWC BP,齊一手單據,保咭及包裝盒.保咭印有AD名稱,但沒有日期及蓋印.
5)事件經該AD再轉達IWC.IWC經理Alex Lo回覆樓主:保咭無蓋印無保養,二手貨亦屬不保.但若樓主願付二千元維修,可額外得一年保養.
Dear Mr. XX,
Thank you for your patience.
We deeply appreciate your comments in regards to your watch service, and have forwarded to our related departments.
After further investigations, the condition of your timepiece is considered as good by our Watchmakers. Since the illumination mass are handmade, there are some tolerances. This specific case of the 10h illumination mass is, according to our quality department, within the IWC quality standards. The illumination mass is therefore to be considered as good.
In reply to your request, as the names of our Watchmakers are confidential information, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide the requested information.
If you wish to receive the timepiece back, please kindly confirm your request. Once we have received your detailed response, we will inform our 1881 Heritage Boutique and your timepiece will be transferred to the boutique for pick up.
We look forward to your detailed feedback. If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Lo
Client Relations Advisor
IWC Schaffhausen
jjmouse 新進會員
註冊時間: Feb 23, 2011 文章: 3
發表於: 星期四 2012-09-13 10:23
Social 師兄,謝謝你了,完全清楚明白解釋我所想的。
social 寫到: | 這兒亦支持並安慰樓主,為讓台灣錶友容易明白一點,我幫忙總結:
1)2012年5月買入二手水貨IWC BP,齊一手單據,保咭及包裝盒.保咭印有AD名稱,但沒有日期及蓋印.
5)事件經該AD再轉達IWC.IWC經理Alex Lo回覆樓主:保咭無蓋印無保養,二手貨亦屬不保.但若樓主願付二千元維修,可額外得一年保養.
Dear Mr. XX,
Thank you for your patience.
We deeply appreciate your comments in regards to your watch service, and have forwarded to our related departments.
After further investigations, the condition of your timepiece is considered as good by our Watchmakers. Since the illumination mass are handmade, there are some tolerances. This specific case of the 10h illumination mass is, according to our quality department, within the IWC quality standards. The illumination mass is therefore to be considered as good.
In reply to your request, as the names of our Watchmakers are confidential information, we regret to inform you that we are unable to provide the requested information.
If you wish to receive the timepiece back, please kindly confirm your request. Once we have received your detailed response, we will inform our 1881 Heritage Boutique and your timepiece will be transferred to the boutique for pick up.
We look forward to your detailed feedback. If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at anytime.
Yours sincerely,
Alex Lo
Client Relations Advisor
IWC Schaffhausen |