前陣子 製作了一些 小沛錶帶,包含金色和深咖啡色的鱷魚錶帶,和幾款復古風味的牛皮錶帶.
今日再藉此版面更新登出與諸位先進大大們 分享.
歡迎 諸位先進大大們 不吝提出建議與指教.
錶帶的寬度是 24mm收22mm,適用22mm的原廠的折疊扣,長度是短邊 85mm,長邊130mm 稍長的錶帶,
A2130 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 85x130mm, thick 6.0mm taper to 1.8mm, dark brown cowskin deployant strap, cream stitch.

The thick 6.0mm would bear the heavy watch, and the thick 1.8mm at the tail would fit the deployant clasp.

這款是 復古咖啡色的義大利水波紋牛皮錶帶, 縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是22mm,適用22mm的原廠ㄇ釦,
長度是短邊80mm,長邊125mm, 厚度是從4.0mm減薄到3.8mm的厚度.
A2131 Panerai custom strap, 22x22mm, 80x125mm, honey brown vintage ripply cowskin strap, cream stitch.

這款是 復古咖啡色的牛皮錶帶, 縫咖啡色的上蠟麻線,寬度是26mm,適用26mm的拉絲釦,
A2132 Panerai custom strap, 26x26mm, 80x125mm, thick 4.0mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, browm stitch.

這款也是 復古咖啡色的牛皮錶帶, 縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是26mm,適用26mm的拉絲釦,
A2133 Panerai custom strap, 26x26mm, 80x125mm, thick 4.0mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

這款是 灰咖啡色的瘋馬皮錶帶, 縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是24mm,適用24mm的拉絲釦,
長度是短邊78mm,長邊130mm,適合18.5公分稍大的手腕尺寸,厚度是4.5mm的厚度, 製作粗邊的效果.
A2134 Panerai custom strap, 24x24mm, 78x130mm, thick 4.5mm, grayish brown crazy horse strap, cream stitch, raw edges.

這款是 橘色墊厚的牛皮錶帶, 縫橘色的上蠟麻線,寬度是26.8mm收22mm,適用22mm的原廠ㄇ釦,
長度是短邊60mm,長邊110mm稍短的長度, 厚度是從5.5mm減薄到3.5mm的厚度.
A2135 Panerai custom strap, 26.8x22mm, 60x110mm, heavy padded orange cowskin strap, match stitch.

The heavy padded leather strap is a very difficult leather product.
All most of the current OEM padded leather straps were made of some paper board pad.
But our hand made padded leather strap was made of gunuine leather pad. We pare the calf leather to be a curved pad to produce the padded strap.
Due to that we took a long time to make each padded leather strap.

這款是 復古土黃色的牛皮錶帶, 縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是24mm,適用24mm的拉絲釦,
A2136 Panerai custom strap, 24x24mm, 78x135mm, thick 4.5mm, tan vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

這款是 復古咖啡色的義大利水波紋牛皮錶帶, 縫深咖啡色的上蠟麻線,寬度是24mm收22mm,適用22mm的原廠ㄇ釦,
長度是短邊70mm,長邊115mm, 厚度是4.0mm的厚度.
A2137 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 70x115mm, thick 4.0mm, honey brown vintage pipply cowskin strap, dark brown stitch.

這款是 復古咖啡色的牛皮錶帶, 縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是是24mm收22mm,適用22mm的拉絲釦,
A2138 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 80x130mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.0mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

The thick 4.0mm would bear the heavy watch, and the thick 3.0mm at the tail would be flexible and comfortable.

這款是深咖啡色的鱷魚錶帶, 縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是24mm收22mm,適用22mm的原廠ㄇ釦,
長度是短邊75mm,長邊125mm, 厚度是從4.0mm減薄到3.5mm的厚度.
這款鱷魚錶帶是採用鱷魚腹部最珍貴的皮革做錶帶正面的材料,並使用柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮做錶帶的裡襯和背皮, 以純手工縫製完成.
A2139 PAM 029 custom strap, 24x22mm, 75x125mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.5mm, dark brown croco belly strap, cream stitch.

這款是金色的鱷魚錶帶, 縫米色的上蠟麻線,寬度是24mm收22mm,適用22mm的原廠ㄇ釦,
長度是短邊75mm,長邊125mm, 厚度是從4.0mm減薄到3.5mm的厚度.
這款鱷魚錶帶也是採用鱷魚腹部最珍貴的皮革做錶帶正面的材料,並使用柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮做錶帶的裡襯和背皮, 以純手工縫製完成.
A2140 PAM233 custom strap, 24x22mm, 75x125mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.5mm, golden croco strap, cream stitch.

以上登出 沛納海 的幾款鱷魚錶帶及牛皮錶帶分享, 感謝點閱!
歡迎您 參考搜尋點閱 Cheergiant 刊登在 討論區 的其它手工牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的錶帶相簿:
諸位先進大大如果有任何指教與建議,或是需要參考的錶帶照片. 歡迎您用 Email: Cheergiant@gmail.com 與我們聯絡!!
巧將皮飾行 門市 Tel:03-3349479 或 0910605612 藍先生
敬祝: 平安順心!
諸位 先進大大們 好!
前陣子 製作了一些 小沛錶帶, 今日特藉此版面登出與諸位先進大大們 分享,
歡迎 諸位先進大大們 不吝提出建議與指教.
Some Panerai custom straps J500~J517 including Six croco straps. Cheergiant
J500 Panerai custom strap, 24x24mm, 85x145mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, dark brown cowskin strap, white stitch.

J501 Panerai custom strap, 24x24mm, 75x125mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, coco tan vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

J502 Panerai custom strap, 26x26mm, 80x130mm, thick 4.0mm, golden croco belly strap, cream stitch.

這款是 金色的 鱷魚錶帶.
J503 Panerai custom strap, 26x26mm, 80x135mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, coco tan grained cowskin strap, cream stitch.

J504 Panerai custom strap, 22x22mm, 75x120mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 4.0mm, tan vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch, two floating keepers.

J505 Panerai custom strap, 22x22mm, 75x120mm, thick 4.5mm, tan vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

J506 Panerai custom strap, 24x24mm, 70x135mm, thick 3.5mm, beige (light tan ) croco belly strap, black stitch.

這款是顏色較淺的 駝色鱷魚錶帶.
J507 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 80x135mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.5mm, chocolate brown vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

J508 Panerai custom deployant strap, 24x24mm, 70x110mm, thick 3.5mm taper to 1.8mm, red croco belly strap, dark red stitch.

這款 紅色的鱷魚錶帶也是摺疊扣專用的手工錶帶.
J509 Panerai custom deployant strap, 24x22mm, 85x135mm, grayish blue big horn croco strap, dark blue stitch.

這款灰藍色的大骨鱷魚錶帶是針對 摺疊扣所製作, 是比較耗費工時的錶帶之一.
J510 Panerai custom strap, 24x24mm, 80x130mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.5mm, black ultrasoft vintage cowskin strap, white stitch.

J511 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 60x105mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 2.0mm, blue croco strap, dark blue stitch.

J512 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 75x130mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.5mm, beige ultrasoft cowskin strap, cream stitch.

J513 Panerai custom strap, 24x24mm, 85x145mm, thick 5.0mm taper to 4.0mm, tancowskin strap, cream stitch.

J514 Panerai custom deployant strap, 26x20mm, 82x114mm, thick 5.5mm taper to 2.0mm, dark brown little horn croco strap, cream stitch.

這款是 深咖啡色的鱷魚小骨錶帶, 是針對摺疊扣所製作.
J515 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 75x116mm, thick 6.5mm taper to 4.0mm, heavy padded black cowskin strap, cream stitch.

J516 Panerai custom deployant strap, 24x22mm, 80x115mm, thick 3.0mm taper to 2.0mm, coco brown vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

這款摺疊扣錶帶是 復古風味的 咖啡色雙層牛皮錶帶.
J517 Panerai custom strap, 24x22mm, 75x120mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.5mm, dark brown crococalf strap, cream stitch.

這款是 義大利鱷魚紋牛皮製作的 錶帶.
以上登出 雙層牛皮的手工錶帶, 感謝點閱!
歡迎您 參考搜尋點閱 我們刊登在 沛那海 討論區 的其它手工雙層牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的相簿:
今日接著再加登 新近完成的 錶帶, 歡迎參考點閱. 2012/08/08
Custom A520, 24x22mm, 70x118mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 3.0mm, Italy ice crack grain cowskin strap, cream stitch.


Custom A521, Four vintage cowskin straps

Custom A521-1, 24x24mm, 80x140mm, thick 3.5mm, ultrasoft black vintage cowskin strap, yellow stitch.

Custom A521-2, 24x24mm, 80x140mm, thick 4.0mm, honey brown rippled vintage cowskin strap, white stitch.

這款是 義大利 水波紋 的雙層牛皮錶帶.

Custom A521-3, 24x24mm, 80x140mm, thick 4.0mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, yellow stitch.

Custom A521-4, 24x24mm, 80x140mm, thick 4.5mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

Custom A522, 24x24mm, 65x115mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.0mm, Crazy horse strap, cream stitching.

這款是 瘋馬皮錶帶.

Custom A523, 24x24mm, 80x140mm, thick 4.5mm, coco brown vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

Custom A524, 24x24mm, 80x140mm, thick 4.5mm, honey brown vintage cowskin strap, cream stitch.

Custom A525 OEM deployant strap, 24x22mm, 70x118mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 2.0mm, dark brown crococalf strap, cream stitch.

這款是 深咖啡色 義大利鱷魚紋 牛皮錶帶.

Custom A526 OEM deployant strap, 24x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 4.0mm taper to 2.0mm, honey brown rippled vintage cowskin strap, dark brown stitch.

這款是 復古咖啡色義大利 水波紋 的雙層牛皮錶帶.

Custom A527, 24x22mm, 75x120mm, thick 5 mm taper to 4 mm, green croco belly strap, cream stitch.

這款是 綠色的鱷魚錶帶.

Custom A528, 24x22mm, 75x120mm, thick 5 mm taper to 4 mm, purple croco belly strap, cream stitch.

這款是 紫色的鱷魚錶帶.

Custom A529, 24x24mm, 75x115mm, orange cowskin strap, cream stitch.

諸位 先進大大們好!
歡迎 點閱 : Cheergiant 於 2013/8/8 日, 再更新的兩款新完成的 手工錶帶.
首先這款是 海軍藍的鱷魚錶帶, 適合 24mm的錶耳和 22mm的原廠ㄇ字扣, 長度是 短邊 60mm, 長邊 105mm, 適合 較小的手腕尺寸,
厚度是 從 4.5mm 減薄到 3.5mm, 背面採用柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮來做內襯, 採用日本的深藍色上蠟麻線來縫製完成.
PS: Cheergiant 不採用不起毛也不吸汗的便宜尼龍線或混紡線來縫製錶帶.
Custom08457, 24x22mm, 60x105mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.5mm, navy blue croco round grained strap, dark blue stitch.

接著這款是 復古咖啡色的義大利水波紋牛皮錶帶, 適合 24mm的錶耳和 22mm的原廠ㄇ字扣, 長度是 短邊 75mm, 長邊 115mm, 適合 一般標準的手腕尺寸,
厚度是 從 4.5mm 減薄到 3.5mm, 背面採用柔軟又強韌的英國小牛皮來做內襯, 採用日本的深咖啡色上蠟麻線來縫製完成.
Custom08457, 24x22mm, 75x115mm, thick 4.5mm taper to 3.5mm, honey brown vintage rippled cowskin strap, dark brown stitch.

以上登出 新近完成的 手工錶帶, 謝謝點閱.
歡迎您 參考搜尋點閱 我們刊登在 沛那海 討論區 的其它手工雙層牛皮錶帶 以及鱷魚皮錶帶.
也非常 歡迎點閱我們的相簿:
George Lan
george3616013 在 星期三 2015-08-19 21:34 作了第 7 次修改