OldBear 中級會員 
註冊時間: Aug 22, 2009 文章: 237 來自: Old Bear Lake
發表於: 星期五 2012-03-09 23:44
Mistikalsunshine 寫到: | I know its off-topic, but highly likely a smart bear would at least get double return on his investment! google didn't acquire moto for no reason, and time for profit taking on that friut comapny.... |
Mr.奇幻陽光, 是住巷子裡的喔
My analysis put NOK at triple return within 2 yrs, that's the conservative estimate. Of course there are risks, hence I send my secretary (喜歡跳蚤弟的那位) to MWC at Barcelona last week. Her hands-on report from the field had cemented my decision to acquire NOK at this time.
You are exemplarily correct that GOOG acquired MMI because it wants to play in AAPL's game. And NOK is the perfect partner for the Mistikal third-player who is entering the same game!
AMG 寫到: |
if you are talking about AAPL, I think there are plenty of room to go
Mr. AMG, yes he was talking about AAPL. if you are lookng at PE and Forward Earnings analysis then of course AAPL still has a lot of upside. However, I have been selling off my AAPL ever since it surpassed USD $300/share. Did I leave money on the table? yes i certainly did. But I am of the Buffet schooled: "be fearful when others are greedy" LOL, to me it's all about percentage gain, not "capital" gain. I bought 50k shares of AAPL back in '04/'05 pre-split, and another 50k shares at USD$120/share... I am happy with the 5,000%+ gain after 8 years. I intend to Clear all of my positions in AAPL before summer's end. Why? because of GOOG+MMI, and FaceBook IPO, and NOK
Most importantly I feel AAPL is doing worst with each new product category release. Competition are catching up ever sooner. I believe AAPL has a possible upside to $650. BUT... that would be a miserly 19% gain based on last night's closing price $545; whereas NOK can give me 300% gain.
Naturally all these are just my humble opinion.
Time will tell... we can check back this blog at New Year.. 2014.
Vipbig 終極會員 
註冊時間: Mar 26, 2007 文章: 7299
發表於: 星期五 2012-03-09 23:50
s2000 寫到: | Vipbig 寫到: | flin0310 寫到: | al 寫到: | 等你的沛產量與勞一樣(還要賣光喔),
問題是有多少人願意花時間去修? |
Nokia手機直到現在還是賣得很多, 不過還是改變不了什麼命運依然悽慘, 因為它熱賣的是一般低價手機...而現在流行的是智慧型手機...教你現在再 拿Nokia最熱賣最經典的8210你會肯嗎 ? 哈哈...哈哈...哈哈哈......
. |
這是我唯一還收藏者的一支手機...當年可花了我1.8萬買的...還有很多顏色的原廠殼可以換咧 呵
請問各位還買的到原廠的8210電池嗎?! |
http://tw.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/d45381328?u=Y3357152919 |
讚喔 有上台北再繞過去看看...看來8210快可以出閣了...我還是認為它的造型精典耐看 不是現在手機可以比的
minidisc 初級會員 
註冊時間: Oct 08, 2011 文章: 78
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 00:21
Vipbig 寫到: |
這是我唯一還收藏者的一支手機...當年可花了我1.8萬買的...還有很多顏色的原廠殼可以換咧 呵
請問各位還買的到原廠的8210電池嗎?! |
letsjames 資深會員 
註冊時間: May 02, 2007 文章: 985 來自: Shanghai
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 01:12
我還蠻想念我的nokia 2110的
al 終極會員 
註冊時間: Jun 17, 2005 文章: 7391
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 10:11
flin0310 寫到: | al 寫到: | 等你的沛產量與勞一樣(還要賣光喔),
問題是有多少人願意花時間去修? |
Nokia手機直到現在還是賣得很多, 不過還是改變不了什麼命運依然悽慘, 因為它熱賣的是一般低價手機...而現在流行的是智慧型手機...教你現在再拿Nokia最熱賣最經典的8210你會肯嗎? 哈哈...哈哈...哈哈哈......
. | 不倫不類的比喻,
flin0310 資深會員 
註冊時間: Aug 27, 2008 文章: 786 來自: 西傑尼提克斯學院
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 10:40
老熊兄, Yacht / 'yat / 如果是t等氣音在最後一個字通常等於是不發音的...
另外不要再嚼你的股票經...Nokia股票"財經台"早就有提過了, 從以前到現在跌了幾百%的雞蛋股, 出了隻Lumina股價反彈一下有賺到自己爽一下就好, 不用在這大噘股票經...HTC在1200時我充當先知老早就到處發文叫人家趕快逃命或是放空...有聽進去的就上天堂; 沒聽進去的就住套房而已...不過股票的訊息如果你太認真就死定了...
回到主題從2012錶展, 小勞均以眾多的寶石及K金呈現在新錶款上...問題是勞不是K鑽錶專家; 要玩K鑽錶還不能選擇勞...這樣的新錶設計勞主要還是為了"大陸市場"...2011年起沛出了多只令人讚嘆的錶款; 風靡全球這是不爭的事實...反觀勞的新錶款好像只在附和大陸市場而已, 了無新意...缺乏受歡迎及具話題性的錶款, 勞輸給沛這已經不是一天兩天的事實了......
ericsdx2500 白金會員 
註冊時間: May 21, 2007 文章: 2298 來自: LA
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 11:38
ericsdx2500 白金會員 
註冊時間: May 21, 2007 文章: 2298 來自: LA
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 11:39
flin0310 資深會員 
註冊時間: Aug 27, 2008 文章: 786 來自: 西傑尼提克斯學院
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 16:19
marlboroll 資深會員 
註冊時間: Dec 17, 2010 文章: 887
發表於: 星期六 2012-03-10 16:27
flin0310 寫到: | 我看到勞出這種新錶只有一個字形容"土"......
是有點土沒錯 但彩鑽要挑這樣也不太容易勒 哈哈!!