各位Paneristi大大好 , 小弟最近想買Rolex Yacht-Master or JLC Master Compresssor Geograpic (猶豫不決中…) , 無意中來到此網頁 , 卻被Panerai給迷住了 (Panerai 魅力果然無法擋啊...) , 想對小沛更了解 , 有些問題想請各位大大解答….
Pam 的編號是不是按照每年出的時間編 , 號碼愈多愈晚出????
Panerai 是不是常出限量啊 , 所以看的到買不到??
那在錶店看到的是長青款嗎 ? 還是限量沒賣完??
還有一般折扣是多少 ? 台北到哪買較好 ??
問題超多 , 希望各位paneristi大大能替小弟解答疑惑 , 謝謝 !!
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Hum...lots of questions...ok, let me see if I can crack on some of these...
Model number increases as years go by, so is the year designator. Models made before 1998 did not have a year designator, and it started in 1998 (A) and on. We are now 2005 so it's now H series. PAM (Panerai Model) starts with PAM001 and so on...if you see models with 2XX, they are made for this year. For example, 210H or 217H. If you are looking for G series, you will find them in the AD because there are still some around although not highly desired ones. Anything before G, you will need to try the USED market. Since all PAMs are made in relatively small quantites, you might not see the models you want in a particular AD, especially SE (special edition). For example, there will be 1500 PAM217 made this year with hundreds of AD (Authorized Dealers) & 5 Boutiques fighting for them....you'd be lucky to spot one near you. What that tells you? If you see something you want, grab it ASAP..otherwise, we will Hope this helps. Peace Fred |
中級會員 |
不要不要不要............................迷上Panerai! 否則...............唉!!
沒錯! Panerai的大部份錶款都是屬於量較少的狀況,如果錶廠一種錶款一年出500支,可能每個經銷商拿不到兩三支,安撫那些拿著目錄排了數個月(甚至年)的老客戶都來不及了,怎麼可能還會有一堆新錶放在店裡等著客人!不論是否是冷門錶款,我覺得如果自己真的喜歡,看到就下手吧!我已經遺憾過兩三次,機會不一定會再有的!! 折扣?真正火熱的錶款沒有超訂價賣就不錯了,大部份錶店能拿到9折的大概是A級客戶吧! _________________ 我恨PANERAI!!! 我的荷包永遠跟不上PANERAI出好錶的速度!!! |
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