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Hey, I'm in the same situation as you. I don't even have a Chinese typing software, and it would take me a decade to type each message. I don't really feel good about it, but I don't really have a choice. I just enjoy coming here too much.
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Roger兄 對不起,我舉A LANGE比PP便宜是錯的! LANGE一向標榜與PP同等級,因此價錢與PP差不多,但是如果在研發上不進步的話,也快要被打屁股了 至於其他一級品牌,其相似功能的錶,定價約比PP低一成左右! 但是其售價折扣又相差1-2成,因此我會說PP貴4成左右 待續 |
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至於我對於PP研發有意見乃在於 1.Star Caliber 2000奶PP最近最重要的新作品,但是那也是1999年BASAL展就為紀念 千囍年而發表,5002,5102都是由此簡化而來的睕錶! Star Caliber 2000生產四套,5002年產量聽說是2隻,5102則多一點,對消費者意義不大 2.2000年後就無任何創意,頂多是再5070上加個三問!不過10日鏈陀飛輪倒是不錯的研發 至於十日鏈的發展是因為,有一加工廠生產了一個多日鏈機心, 因此大家便加以改良,就推出7日,8日,9日鏈(否則哪有可能各家錶廠在同一年同時推出多日鏈機心) PP可能技術好一點,推出最長的十日鏈!但最多只是買機心來改良! 但也是最不實用,7日或8日鏈在一星期的固定一天上鍊.10日鏈呢,1,11,21上鍊,那31號多一天怎麼辦?要不就用16日鏈,起碼在初一,十五拜天公時會記得上鍊(對華人才有用) 以上純屬個人意見,請各位先進指教 |
歐美特派員 |
I agree that they make a lot of great Grande Complications, and they are still famous for their repeaters. However, the way they make such a big ROYAL deal about some of their watches and market it with a world saving robot doesn't gain much of my respect. In this sense, it's not much better than that guy named Frank. Hey, Frank came up with the 2 Revolution Tourbillon and Crazy Hours too. I'm not sure what how to think about this anymore. However, I do realize if we only look at the good stuff, then we'll be much happier with them. I know most of us are not happy about it, but It's just business as usual. my 2 ¢ |
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