小弟真羨慕你有十萬元的預算可以買錶 其實以這個預算來看 選擇應該不少吧
相信你心中一定也有喜歡的目標 小弟覺得大家的意見畢竟只能做參考 最終還
是要你自己下決定吧 ^^ 因為付錢的是你 將來要跟錶朝夕相處的也是你啊 小弟建議照著你的直覺去做選擇 第一眼的感覺通常會比較準喔 以上是我的一點意見 希望你能挑到心愛的手錶 good luck
p.s.不過小弟個人是很喜歡Zenith Class Elite HW啦
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初級會員 |
初級會員 |
就會出現勞力士的問題和ETA機心的問題 其實這個蠻吊詭的 先聲明 以下為個人立場 也沒有特別鼓勵別人買哪一個品牌 沒什麼好爭的 我不會因為別人的言論改變自己的喜愛 所以 爭這個沒啥意思 回到主題 什麼樣的表算好? 我也掙扎過很久 可是 很多人說自製機心才算好 所以ETA機心算是被唾棄的一種 可是問題來了 Grand Seiko也是百分之百自製 連游絲都號稱自製 但是那些主張自製機心的人會買GS嗎? 恐怕很少 論打磨 GS機心還比Rolex棒 那主張要買就買自製機心的理由何在? 好! 論保值 Rolex確實比GS保值 但是現在當紅子雞卻是Panerai 用的是7750和ETA懷表機心去改 保值程度怎麼看? 早期的1993年版panerai(在被併購前的一隻絕對不超過十萬 )現在呢? 有人標價36萬! 再來看 之前出的用ETA 2893機心的GMT 之前二手價55000 我遇到一個人現在願意用十萬來買 在美國價錢更高! 漲了幾倍? 請自己去算 重點是 還是有人很不屑 panerai 但是論到保值 這恐怕連rolex也要甘拜下風! (長時間下來當然勝負仍是未定數 ) 所以到底是自製機心重要? 還是保值重要? 抑或是兩者兼顧? 這個很難說到底何者為重 只是ETA機心真的沒價值嗎? 那到未必 眾多瑞士廠在自製機心的潮流中 仍有為數頗多的ETA產品出現 自有其原因 ETA的穩定度 自也不在話下 如果ETA品質不佳 一家廠使用 那是他愚蠢 但是大家都在用 還說品質不佳 恐怕也難以服人 買表如果將來不打算脫手 而是希望能陪你走過一段歲月 那又何必在乎二手價錢? 喜歡與否和品質穩定與否才是重點 不然 買了一隻眾人皆說好 但是自己不喜歡 豈不是將來又要賠錢售出? 雖然可以慶幸二手價離當初買價相去不遠 但畢竟還是賠本了錢 又何苦來哉? 個人淺見 僅供參考 |
分區版面管理員 |
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
基本上你買錶自己爽就好 上網問是找不到答案 尤其新錶剛買回什麼牌子都好 等到蜜月期過了 開始有問題時 你就知Y 看不到機心的還無所謂 透視背的師傅的粗暴手工一覽無遺 到時欲哭無淚就太晚 看二手價更不準 不相信你自己賣賣看 維修能力是選牌子最重要的一環 JLC and IWC是好牌子 JLC在美國洗一次油500美金(雖然貴還是有口皆碑) 甚至有些款式得送回瑞士 你在臺灣買錶有這種保障嗎? 想清楚再行動把 機械錶不像石英錶 石英錶基本上換換電池就沒有什麼大問題 而且又準 機械錶走不準出現毛病時就麻煩 看看所有臺灣手錶網站 被錶友罵的維修中心有多少 被網友稱讚有那幾家 你心理應該就很清楚 這些進口商只會賣錶 跟本沒想到完善的售後服務 |
I think this is a very interesting discussion. Changcarl made a very good point.
First of all, everything starts with personal preference. It's the same thing with music, cars, and art. Do you want something what everyone else recognizes, or you don't care about the majority and want to go for something unique? It's Japanese car vs European; Pop music vs Jazz and Classical. And even in European cars, you can choose between Porsche and Maserati. It's hard to write this out in a limited space, but you get the idea. I personally just started looking at watches. And after some research, I know I prefer mechanical over quartz. And you can safely assume that I'm one of those who prefer something unique. I'd pick a Maserati over a Porsche; Classical over Pops (and Belioz over Mozart); and a Blancpain Flyback (or a Breguet Type XX) over a Rolex Daytona. Now, enough about myself, and I'll go back to your questions. I think IWC is a reputable watch company, and cartier (to me) is more of a jeweller. So if I have to pick, out of those 3, I may end up picking the spitfire. However, I always like the look of a Pasha. And that's not a bad choice either. If you want something different, I'd recommend Union-Glashutte. This company is supposed to be the best kept secret. They use the same factory, the same movements as Glashutte-Original, which is in the same class of Blancpain, if not better. GO used to be part of A Lange and Sohne too, and Lange is in the same class as Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet, Breguet, and Constantin. Again, I'm pretty new to this, so please feel free to correct my knowledge in Watchmaking history. Anyway, my point is, a UG chrono with a GO movement will cost you around US$2000, which is a great deal. And I like their design too. Just take a look at their website. Anyway, good luck searching. |
資深會員 |
I was the one who left that long message. Sorry for making it so long, I was upset with some sports score and needed a place to rehab.
wy02: I think the process is super fun. It was so weird for me though. I didn't know anything before, until my friend bought a Panerai, which I had no clue what that was. I forgot about it for a while, until I started looking at road bicycles on ebay and somehow got to the watch section (you know how it goes). Then I saw Breguet and got hooked. And you should know the rest of the story. It's just so facinating when you look at those complications. bz |
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