dolmite 新進會員
註冊時間: Sep 03, 2010 文章: 13 來自: Hong Kong
發表於: 星期五 2010-09-03 23:28
Explorer II black / white, how about the retail price in Taiwai please? Thanks!
jdm_z33 白金會員
註冊時間: Apr 12, 2007 文章: 3067 來自: 空
發表於: 星期五 2010-09-03 23:34
16570: MSRP197100...
discount ranges from 20% to 5% off, depending on how familiar you are with the store...
if you don't mind water goods, there are some reputable dealers (not Rolex authorized AD but has very good reputation amongst watch collectors in TW) in TW that sells them brand new for as much as 25% off retail...
and there is no tax in TW... _________________
** 玩錶不限品牌, 機芯, 不隨波逐流 **
dolmite 新進會員
註冊時間: Sep 03, 2010 文章: 13 來自: Hong Kong
發表於: 星期五 2010-09-03 23:49
Thanks, jdm_z33, but how the price range?
dolmite 新進會員
註冊時間: Sep 03, 2010 文章: 13 來自: Hong Kong
發表於: 星期五 2010-09-03 23:49
jdm_z33 寫到: | 16570: MSRP197100...
discount ranges from 20% to 5% off, depending on how familiar you are with the store...
if you don't mind water goods, there are some reputable dealers (not Rolex authorized AD but has very good reputation amongst watch collectors in TW) in TW that sells them brand new for as much as 25% off retail...
and there is no tax in TW... |
Thanks jdm_z33, but how about the price range?
jdm_z33 白金會員
註冊時間: Apr 12, 2007 文章: 3067 來自: 空
發表於: 星期六 2010-09-04 00:36
Depending on how good you are with the store/bargaining...price ranges from NTD$157680 ~ NTD$187245, or in USD$5005 ~ USD$5944 (exchange rate 1USD:31.5NTD) with discounts
you mean like this? simple math my friend... _________________
** 玩錶不限品牌, 機芯, 不隨波逐流 **
dolmite 新進會員
註冊時間: Sep 03, 2010 文章: 13 來自: Hong Kong
發表於: 星期六 2010-09-04 01:00
Got it, pal, thanks!
gateways 資深會員
註冊時間: May 30, 2005 文章: 759 來自: Taipei
發表於: 星期六 2010-09-04 01:41
我聽過Gray Market,還不知道"Water Goods".
phedo 新進會員
註冊時間: May 22, 2009 文章: 16
發表於: 星期六 2010-09-04 01:56
sorry, 請教一下
NTD$157680 ~ NTD$187245 是折扣後?
skwu 進階會員
註冊時間: May 11, 2003 文章: 337
發表於: 星期六 2010-09-04 16:47
phedo 寫到: | sorry, 請教一下
NTD$157680 ~ NTD$187245 是折扣後?
謝謝 |
非ad(authorized dealer)貨可以更便宜
chenwatch 終極會員
註冊時間: Nov 10, 2008 文章: 7553 來自: 高雄市
發表於: 星期六 2010-09-04 17:16