calatravayang 榮譽版面管理員
註冊時間: Jun 14, 2004 文章: 4073 來自: 台北
發表於: 星期四 2004-12-30 13:30
Jove 寫到: | 老話一句:廣告台詞聽聽就好
你手上的手錶,相信 ROLEX, AP,BREGUET.....傳個一代應該也還可以啦 |
就我個人主觀來說,所謂的"傳家"不只是把東西流傳給後代,重點還是要有那一份"精神傳承"的意味在吧? 東西本身的價值高或低是一回事,依附於其上的感情又是另一回事
David 初級會員
註冊時間: Jun 17, 2003 文章: 52
發表於: 星期四 2004-12-30 17:47
pp的廣告 顯然成功而有效地打動了我們的心
pp是我所能想到流傳下去有價值 有紀念性的最好選擇
stevenw211 終極會員
註冊時間: Oct 23, 2004 文章: 5391
發表於: 星期四 2004-12-30 17:57
But my son likes my Rolex 114270, not my PP5107!!
jenhkao 進階會員
註冊時間: May 09, 2003 文章: 457 來自: Jakarta
發表於: 星期四 2004-12-30 18:50
就紀念性而言, 我覺得鋼筆絕不輸機械錶. 尤其看到電影 John Nash 在 Princeton 任教受到同儕受贈鋼筆以視尊敬, 我就覺得要留幾支好鋼筆給我的兒女作紀念. 至於手錶, 自己喜歡就好了!! _________________ A happy watch lover!!
compalzen 中級會員
註冊時間: Nov 23, 2004 文章: 113
發表於: 星期四 2004-12-30 23:16
My dad died three years ago, and his gold Rolex Day Date stayed with his oldest grandson. That watch is considered just so so by many watch enthusiasts, but for my dad that was his history of success, in a solid form. Maybe our kids won't really appreciate a Patek, but that's our good intention. I don't know, but I think most people want something to pass on, be it a Patek or something much cheaper but memorable.
spikegifted 進階會員
註冊時間: Dec 30, 2004 文章: 280 來自: London, UK
發表於: 星期五 2004-12-31 17:18
IMHO, there is some 'value' in investing in a time piece or a writing instrument and pass it on to the next generation - only if the person you intend to give it to appreciates similar 'value' as you do. This 'value' may or may not be 'tangible'. This is because the recipient of such a gift probably won’t liquate the gift, as aside from the intrinsic value of the gift, there is the sentimental value for the recipient (I would hope, anyway)... My point is, you can invest in just about anything and pass it on to the next generation, as long as they can appreciate the gift, it is ‘valuable’ to him/her/them.
On a different note, IMHO, if you’re looking at a Patek, you really should take a look at a Breguet. There are many pieces there I'd give a portion of my right arm for.
compalzen 中級會員
註冊時間: Nov 23, 2004 文章: 113
發表於: 星期日 2005-01-02 10:31
We finally bought a ref 5036/1 rose god. Only an anual calendar model. Why? I'm sorry to say, but this is important: for the gold content it has. When the kid needs it for urgent money, this may help.
compalzen 中級會員
註冊時間: Nov 23, 2004 文章: 113
發表於: 星期日 2005-01-02 10:31
We finally bought a ref 5036/1 rose gold. Only an anual calendar model. Why? I'm sorry to say, but this is important: for the gold content it has. When the kid needs it for urgent money, this may help.