It depends on the brand, size of the store, and many other factors. Panerai and Rolex, for example, offer little to no discount in the US (depending on models too), and the stores don't need to do their own advertising, so the margin is probably higher. On the other hand, some brands (e.g. Lange, GO) ask the dealers to pay for their own ads, so the cost of sales is a lot higher. Rents and other geographical elements can affect the margin since it costs a lot more to rent in New York, Boston and other big cities (I'm sure it's the same thing in Asia).
I think 3-5% is a little low, but it's not impossible. And if you think about 3-5% of their revenue, it's still a lot of money. Plus, since they are privately owned, they'd probably find ways to make the net income even lower, so that they don't have to pay as much taxes.
my 2 ¢
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不像電子通路商(3C燦昆)、大賣場(大潤發...) 商品賣給顧客是收現金,付給供應商的是3各月的票 而且東西過期賣不掉還可以退貨給供應商 所有表店裡販賣的手錶都要店家先用現金買斷,因此積壓資本相當大 而且有些牌子(像是ROLEX)還規定店家如果想賣他們的錶 不能只買他們牌子的熱門表款(ROLEX運動系列) 一些冷門的錶款(ROLEX 誰理你系列)也要他們買,然後才配給他們幾支熱門表款 現在資訊這麼發達,在網路上討論手錶的網站這麼多 消費者可以比較全球手錶的價格,只要有利潤空間就會有人套利 到國外買新錶拿到二手市場賣(很多二手錶店也都有賣全新錶) 而且新錶店平時的開銷(店面租金、職員薪水、水電...)一定比二手錶店高出好幾倍 最後加上台灣賣高檔手錶的店家也很多,競爭非常激烈 消費者在台北想買支ROLEX,就可以到好幾家店比價 現在想要經營錶店賺大錢實在不是這麼容易了 Frank |
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