謝長廷都說綠卡事件 給社會去公斷了
其實綠卡事件包含三件事..綠卡..周美青 和 政治獻金
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原來早就有前輩戳破了BB的謊言.... 今天的問題在於 馬無法提出綠卡失效的證明 沒錯! 曾經有綠卡跟綠卡還是有效是差很多, 所以馬至今不敢向美國移民局申請證明他的綠卡無效. 可能馬已經沒有綠卡了, 已經成為美國公民了, 這樣馬一申請證明後不是出事了? sl4bs 在 星期五 2008-02-08 22:05 作了第 1 次修改 |
初級會員 |
有綠卡的不是只有你哦... 有綠卡不要說謊太大聲哦... 深藍的人竟會因為意識型態而昧著良心說話, 厲害厲害... (為什麼深藍家庭特別喜歡拿綠卡, 很好奇哦) 哈哈...謝不問的話, 沒褲馬可以問啊...怎麼不敢問呢? 要檢驗雙方一起檢驗, 總比選完後才出事好吧? 你可以速速向馬蕭競選總部建議. 問題在於: 馬英九有綠卡 不然KMT怎麼可能被打到"不回應", 連反擊也不敢呢? sl4bs 在 星期五 2008-02-08 22:11 作了第 1 次修改 |
白金會員 |
初級會員 |
白金會員 |
Keep BS there....
The general purpose of a Re-entry Permit is to allow green card holders, who have left the U.S. for more than one year, but for less than two years, back into the United States. Permanent residents who leave for less than one year can generally re-enter the U.S. through the use of their "green card" plus their passport. However, permanent residents who remain outside the U.S. for more than one year CANNOT use their "green card" for this purpose. Consequently, they must obtain a Re-entry Permit IN ADVANCE, PRIOR TO LEAVING THE U.S. Those green card holders who remain outside the U.S. for more than two years must obtain a "special immigrant" visa at a U.S. consulate abroad, in order to re-entry the U.S. A Re-entry Permit also creates a presumption that the green card holder did not abandon his or her intent to remain permanently in the U.S. because the law states that "A permanent resident or conditional permanent resident in possession of a valid reentry permit who is otherwise admissible shall not be deemed to have abandoned status based solely on the duration of an absence or absences while the permit is valid." Re-entry Permits are also sometimes used by "stateless" permanent residents in lieu of a passport to enter some countries. This is because some countries view Re-entry Permits as evidence that the U.S. will accept the "stateless" permanent resident back into the U.S. However, if you are in this category, be sure to check with the consulate for the particular foreign country to make sure that they will accept a Re-entry Permit for this purpose. Does a Re-entry Permit guarantee that a permanent resident will be readmitted to the U.S. ? Related topics: Re-entry Permit Reentry Permit NO. Neither a Re-entry Permit, nor a green card (for trips taking less than one year), nor the "special immigrant" visa, will guarantee that a permanent resident will be readmitted to the U.S. Remember: the immigration inspector at the port of entry always has the right to refuse entry to any permanent resident if he or she deems that the individual has either abandoned the intent to remain permanently in the U.S., or has committed a crime, or falls within one of the grounds for exclusion under U.S. immigration law. |
白金會員 |
Obviously you do not have green card!
Keep bull shit there. This is official information from USCIS: Go to page 7! http://www.uscis.gov/files/nativedocuments/M-618_c.pdf 要維持永久居民身分,有幾件事您務必要注意。如果您將來計畫申請美國公民身分的話,記住這些事也很重要。 • 不要長期離開美國,或搬到另外一個國家去永久居住。 • 申報聯邦和州所得稅,以及地方所得稅(若適用)。 • 如果您是 18 到 26 歲之間的男性的話,需要向“兵役登記局”登記。 • 將您的新地址提供給 DHS 維持您的移民身分 長期離開美國、或無法顯示其長久居住在美國意圖的永久居民可能會失去其永久居民身分。很多移民以為只要一年回美國一次,就可以在國外長期居住,這是不正確的。如果您認為您會離開美國超過 12 個月的時間,就應該在離開美國前先申請 [再入境許可]。您應該申報“I-131 表”,也就是“申請旅行文件”(Application for a Travel Document)。您可從 http://www.uscis.gov 或撥 USCIS 的“表格專線”1-800-870-3676 取得此表格。申報“I-131 表”時您需要繳費。 [再入境許可] 的有效期限最長為兩年。您在入關時可以出示 [再入境許可] 而非簽證或永久居民卡。持有 [再入境許可] 並不保證您在返美時能夠入境,但是卻較容易顯示您是從短期出國返回美國。請蒞臨 http://www.state.gov 或您在海外最近的“國務院領事館”取得更詳細的資訊。 |
初級會員 |
不要隨便說髒話哦, 這樣污辱了其他有綠卡的人. 很顯然地, 你答非所問. 你的兩篇貼文是解釋[再入境許可], 不是"馬英九現在PR status失效了沒有?" http://www.gottrouble.com/legal/immigration/permanent_resident.html#losing One cannot lose the status without an opportunity of a hearing before an immigration judge. Permanent residency cannot be taken away casually by an immigration officer refusing to allow admission into the country or by a Consular officer taking away a person's proof of permanent residency (green card). If this should happen, see a lawyer who specializes in immigration law immediately. |
白金會員 |
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