I just received my fall 2004 Mercedes magzine. There is an ad for Tutima watch. According to the ad this brand started in 1927. The picture shown in the ad is a Tutima Flieger Chronograph F2 Power Reserve 780-84.
Anyone knows information on this brand? I would guess it is pretty expensive because they advertise in this magzine.
Any thoughts?
Thank you.
16710 (200505 Los Angeles)
114270 (200708 龜吉 Tokyo)
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Tutima ads in a Mercedes magazine... 我還曾在 Mercedes (or BMW?) 雜誌內看過 Bell & Ross 的廣告... 個人覺得戴 Tutima 和開 Mercedes 似乎不容易連想在一起. 一個是 "prestige" brand, 另一個強調的是錶的 "工具性". 兩者的共通點, 應該是, 都是 Made in Germany, 且, 都是二戰時的軍品製造商. (軍錶和軍車, 坦克? if I remember it correctly... ). 小弟覺得 Tutima 的 CP 值不太好. 因為需要維持代理的利潤, 所以...... (saw this from TZ). 不過可以確定的是, Taiwan, USA, Europe 的折扣都差不多... 此外, Tutima 德國總公司客服的態度是小弟看過最差的一個. (I'm not the only one who says so, some people on TZ said the same as well). 不過別擔心, 反正 Taiwanese 兄應該是和 Tutima USA 打交道. 小弟有一支 Tutima, 明年還會購買兩支 Tutima. 為什麼? 它的CP 值不好, 總公司客服態度又差, 為什麼還要買 Tutima? 因為對品牌的忠誠吧...... |
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Thanks for your detailed replanation. Sorry my chinese typing is very slow. So I have to reply in English. I visit TZ on a daily basis and learn a lot from it as well as watchbus. I am glad many people here are willing to share and teach. _________________ 16710 (200505 Los Angeles) 114270 (200708 龜吉 Tokyo) |
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中級會員 |
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