sadinfish 中級會員 
註冊時間: Apr 25, 2004 文章: 223
發表於: 星期四 2004-04-29 08:36
請問經D.D網站fax來的order from由信用卡付款
as893 中級會員 
註冊時間: May 08, 2003 文章: 121
發表於: 星期四 2004-04-29 11:16
Good taste, DD 99.0 is one of the best quality/price AHCI watches. It's completly safe to order watch from DD site.
king 資深會員 
註冊時間: Aug 25, 2003 文章: 1000 來自: 17 號公園
發表於: 星期四 2004-04-29 22:22
免得到時order form send給你時才想到要修改...
flyback 歐美特派員 
註冊時間: Nov 11, 2003 文章: 839
發表於: 星期四 2004-04-29 22:35
The only thing is, you have to be prepared the long wait. My colleague (who's a German guy no less, so no language barrier there), ordered it in December and still waiting. DD said he's having problems with the supplier of the watch case, so even the watch is ready, he can't ship it.
Shipping the watch and the case seperately is not an option either, b/c international shipping is so expensive, so it's not wise to do it twice.
king 資深會員 
註冊時間: Aug 25, 2003 文章: 1000 來自: 17 號公園
發表於: 星期六 2004-05-01 11:22
ps:偶覺得IWC新款和D.D 99.2面盤配置有點類似...
Icute 新進會員 
註冊時間: Apr 14, 2004 文章: 9
發表於: 星期六 2004-05-01 11:35
I have ordered a DD 99.0 last month. I selected to use TT wired transfer instead of Credit Card so no deposit is required. However, I have to wait for a long time to receive the watch.
shieh 中級會員 
註冊時間: Apr 19, 2004 文章: 166
發表於: 星期六 2004-05-01 20:06
Icute 寫到: | Sadinfish,
However, I have to wait for a long time to receive the watch. |
hi Icute,
would you please tell us your expected delivery date?
Hartmut told me mine could be anyday August.
Icute 新進會員 
註冊時間: Apr 14, 2004 文章: 9
發表於: 星期六 2004-05-01 23:18
Hello Shieh,
I am not hurry to have the watch so I ask them to deliver the watch after ten months, i.e. February 2005.
wy02 資深會員 
註冊時間: May 10, 2003 文章: 535 來自: 地球上
發表於: 星期六 2004-05-01 23:56
Icute 寫到: | Hello Shieh,
I am not hurry to have the watch so I ask them to deliver the watch after ten months, i.e. February 2005. |
Icute大大, 小弟真佩服您的耐性... 十週小弟都受不了...
(向250 篇 posts 前進 !!!)
Phang 初級會員 
註冊時間: Apr 13, 2004 文章: 85 來自: N01° 21 Min.04 Sec. E103° 41 Min. 51 Sec.
發表於: 星期日 2004-05-02 17:13
Brother Icute has too many watches to occupy his time, definitely he is not in a hurry to get his DD