imericy 資深會員
註冊時間: Jun 19, 2009 文章: 600
發表於: 星期五 2019-07-19 03:18
請問 是否國外也是這樣玩,照定價? 排隊? 例如:日本?
imericy 在 星期五 2019-07-19 12:52 作了第 1 次修改
derisives 進階會員
註冊時間: Oct 14, 2006 文章: 419 來自: London
發表於: 星期五 2019-07-19 10:23
hakusolin 寫到: | 感覺上AP收回AD後似乎冷了一些,不知是因為難取得了還是價錢(售價因沒什折扣)而變高變硬了,原廠若有看見這帖應該可思考看看將來經銷的策略是否該略為調整呢? |
在香港跟店員聊天時,有聽到幾個有提及到說收回AD但是實際上 開新的boutique後面股東跟付錢大部分都是這些被收回代理的AD老闆。不知道台灣是否這樣
Physician 資深會員
註冊時間: Aug 02, 2007 文章: 1513 來自: 台北市
發表於: 星期六 2019-07-20 11:15
Physician 資深會員
註冊時間: Aug 02, 2007 文章: 1513 來自: 台北市
發表於: 星期六 2019-07-20 11:38
ialienam 進階會員
註冊時間: Dec 28, 2008 文章: 267
發表於: 星期二 2019-07-23 08:55
過去5年 我在101買過兩次 (offshore and ROC), 外加推薦一個朋友.
被告知所有藍面royal oak (37mm, 39mm and 41mm)都沒有 連錢都不會收.. 所以也是等. 但sales還算客氣 說會幫忙 (但實際上誰知道) 至少讓我感覺比Rolex or PP好點.
不過我猜 如果今天我買一樣價值的手錶, 但女生款說不定可以排更前面?
反正我住的國家現在只剩兩家AD, 貨也少得可憐. 聽說也是過幾年AP專賣店才會過來開 but who knows.
derisives 進階會員
註冊時間: Oct 14, 2006 文章: 419 來自: London
發表於: 星期一 2019-07-29 22:35
如果買了一隻frosted gold或者caroline bucci
i've been hinted this as well as just blatantly explicit.
do that, and you'll have your current wait list position accelerated and expedited.
ialienam 進階會員
註冊時間: Dec 28, 2008 文章: 267
發表於: 星期四 2019-08-01 16:17
derisives 寫到: | 如果買了一隻frosted gold或者caroline bucci
i've been hinted this as well as just blatantly explicit.
do that, and you'll have your current wait list position accelerated and expedited.
What’s the rrp on a frosted gold or Caroline bucci?
derisives 進階會員
註冊時間: Oct 14, 2006 文章: 419 來自: London
發表於: 星期五 2019-08-02 12:00
hakusolin 中級會員
註冊時間: Oct 04, 2014 文章: 177
發表於: 星期六 2019-08-03 00:26
The Price of caroline bucci is USD $53,600. I don't think it's expensive enough to show that you are a VVIP and get what you want. Besides, if AP's game rule is like this, staying in the queue for a desired watch looks like meaningless for me, do you agree ?
derisives 進階會員
註冊時間: Oct 14, 2006 文章: 419 來自: London
發表於: 星期日 2019-08-04 12:14
hakusolin 寫到: | The Price of caroline bucci is USD $53,600. I don't think it's expensive enough to show that you are a VVIP and get what you want. Besides, if AP's game rule is like this, staying in the queue for a desired watch looks like meaningless for me, do you agree ? |
thats the focus of this thread isnt it, on the non VVIP and the absurdity of having to stay in a mile queue for a watch that could be acquired much sooner from the purchasing of a less desired piece.
VVIPs dont have a queue.
getting a Bucci model or other less desired model just "accelerates" the waiting for non VVIP.
it has nothing to do with establishing or reaching the spending to be qualified as a VVIP.
VVIP's and regular consumers that resort to bundling are mutually exclusive. not in the same pool.