ahsiang_2002 資深會員
註冊時間: Jun 14, 2003 文章: 1194
發表於: 星期六 2017-12-09 09:55
現在科技太進步了, 完全複製~~~
Solidswiss is a fancy scam the watches are absolutley not from switzerland and the quality is ok but not even close to 99% the weight is less and the markings are not laser but made by engraving machine, the links are tight so they wont move as they should the movement makes scratching noise and is easily spotted as a fake by anyone who knows Rolex, also edges are sharp and rolex never make sharp edges on any watch!. You can buy the same quality or better for half price!!! So please dont fall for this scam.
from :
submariner3135 終極會員
註冊時間: Sep 13, 2005 文章: 12980 來自: 擔仔麵的故鄉
發表於: 星期六 2017-12-09 17:52
這種假錶的連結貼在bus上適合嗎......? _________________ I don't always wear a watch, but when I do, it is always a ROLEX SUBMARINER.
paulyea124 中級會員
註冊時間: Jan 04, 2015 文章: 249
發表於: 星期六 2017-12-09 22:26
ahsiang_2002 資深會員
註冊時間: Jun 14, 2003 文章: 1194
發表於: 星期日 2017-12-10 00:02
agu8208 新進會員
註冊時間: Dec 10, 2017 文章: 1
發表於: 星期日 2017-12-10 19:58
www31039 資深會員
註冊時間: Aug 07, 2009 文章: 565
發表於: 星期日 2017-12-10 20:27
Ltou 新進會員
註冊時間: Nov 27, 2017 文章: 3
發表於: 星期五 2017-12-15 00:45
watchjason 資深會員
註冊時間: Nov 14, 2014 文章: 908
發表於: 星期五 2017-12-15 08:18
圖片要作假其實很簡單,就好像網路上一堆賣假錶的照片,都是拿真品po上去然後說100%複刻,結果實際上收到的東西跟垃圾一樣,以假錶的價位我還寧願拿去買自己喜歡的小牌子的錶,也比較爽一點. _________________ =No Pain,No Gain=
liulaoliu 新進會員
註冊時間: Apr 14, 2017 文章: 4
發表於: 星期五 2017-12-22 08:26
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