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As far as I know, outside Europe, wholesale watch prices are usually carried out based on US$. Over the past 12 months, the T$ has been appreciating against the US$ by around 10%. This means that for the wholesalers, if they take the same stock in now, it will cost 10% less in T$ compared with say 12-18 months ago - if the US$ price remained the same.
The problem is the US$ has been depreciating agains the EUR over the same period - which means that the US$ pricing has increased if EUR pricing has remained the same... How does that work out? To be completely honest, I don't know. I think that you're not going to gain that much from buying directly from Europe. However, if you're buying from Europe, in places where the turnover isn't as high, you stand a good chance of picking up something that has really good value. Good hunting! |
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我剛從歐洲回來,在瑞士的盧森SWISS LION AG免稅店裡買了生平第一支天文台機械錶 MIDO Titanium All Dial Chronometer M8340.8.D8.1, 定價是1195瑞士法郎(約台幣31,000.-),打完折退完稅是1055 瑞士法郎(近28,000台幣),這支錶我在台灣的鐘錶雜誌上看到的定價是台幣36,600.-, 在國外買錶是沒啥折扣的,但是聽說在台灣這支錶的折扣可以到7.5折甚至更低, 所以國外買應該不會比較便宜.不過在歐洲買名牌包是真的便宜,在義大利幫朋友買了一個GUCCI包,台灣賣二萬三四左右,在那買沒折扣,退完稅後約一萬四.
這隻錶美國網站上的資料(定價還比台灣貴) http://www.discountwatchstore.com/store-products-Mido-Watches-Mido-All-Dial--Mido-Titanium-All-Dial-Chronometer-M8340.8.D8.1_18653821.html 當初在瑞士是因為喜歡這隻錶,店員介紹說有天文台認證,而且是鈦合金的錶款,真得很輕,不像大多數的機械錶都很重,所以就買了.回到台灣才發現原來這隻錶台灣已經有在打廣告了.不過這隻錶我真得很喜歡,所以也就不介意台灣賣多少了,而且它還有二年全球保固,所以也不擔心維修問題. |
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