What do Richard Rogers, the Terminator and HORAGE have in common?
We adore the look of naked, polished steel.
The Omnium39 might remind you of an operating theatre but the feel is more 'luxury spa'!
Many metal bracelets have a 5-link construction. Our Omnium39 has 11. Why? More links allow the bracelet to snugly follow the contours of your wrist.
It feels like velvet.
So enjoy the fleetingly fantasy of being an indestructible killing machine,
we know you're a softie, just like us.
假若賦予每隻錶一副人格,那Omnium39鋼錶系列,應該就能化身為經典電影主角 – 魔鬼終結者 !
戴上我們的Omnium39,感受他的前衛與科技,俐落的金屬結構卻傳遞了引人錯覺的溫婉,多麼有趣 ! 請盡情幻想你也是那堅不可摧的終結者吧 !
〝I’ll be back !〞
更多資訊關於Horage: www.horage.com
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