Speaker Digital Commerce-2
Andreas Felsl
The end of E-commerce? Could HORAGE's business model be the end of Alibaba, Amazon & Co?
I can still remember the words of my ex-manager when I told him I would be working with Andi Felsl "Make sure there isn't fresh powder snow otherwise he'll be late for your meeting."
It's rare to meet someone with as much passion, hands-on determination and relentless energy as Andi. Whether in sport, business, patent law or engineering; his relentless (Bavarian) tenacity and refusal to accept whatever everyone else considers ‘normal’ has been key to his success.
The saying 'think outside of the box' doesn't even come close: software, bicycles, intellectual property law, watchmaking, retailing solutions - nothing is taken for granted and nothing is too challenging. In fact the bigger or more outrageous the fight, the more Andi gets excited.
What will he set his sights on next?
Andreas Felsl
電子商業的終結? HORAGE的經營模式是否能為阿里巴巴、亞馬遜公司畫上句點?
我依然記得我的前任經理對我說 : 與Andi Felsl共事,得確保今天沒有下軟綿綿的新雪,否則他開會絕對會遲到了! (註:Andi熱愛滑雪板)
很難遇到像Andi這樣,如此充滿熱情活力與果斷的行事力。無論是運動、商業、工程領域,他都擁有滿腹熱忱汲取新事物,即便是廣受旁人否定的「無聊」,也能成為他感興趣的探索 – 而這便是他成功的關鍵。
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