[b]Taiwan exhibition 台灣展覽
At the end of May this year, we are to holding an exhibition in Taiwan, home of both one of our founders and our Chief designer.
“Hours & Ages”, the first ever exhibition in Taipei, introduces who we are, what we at HORAGE believe in, our work and what we looking to do next! The exhibition opens 2015/5/29, 13:00 until 2015/6/7, 18:00.
On 29 May, the opening day we offer 3 lectures and 6 very special speakers. Take this opportunity to come join us and learn about:
- Industrial Design is more than cups and chairs
- ROLEX vs. HORAGE – David against Goliath – A race about best in class
- The end of E-commerce? Could HORAGE’s business model be the end of Alibaba, Amazon & Co?
In next several weeks, we will tell you more about the coming event „smile“-Emoticon
「Hours & Age 時 序」,有幸於台北作為首次展出的舞台,HORAGE希望在此向大家介紹自己,並將我們品牌所持的理念、工作態度與未來展望,傳遞予諸位。
展期由2015/5/29, 12:00至2015/6/7, 18:00。
- ROLEX 與HORAGE - 現代神話的大衛與戈利亞
- 未來的可能!消費途徑的驚人變革
接下來的幾周內,將繼續帶來更多展覽資訊,敬請期待 : )

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