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發表 發表於: 星期三 2004-06-30 23:24

Dear All Member

Breguet Type XX, Rolex GMT & JLC Master Meographic??
which one do your like? any point of views are much apprepricate.
機芯? 折扣? 漲價嗎?? 哪個值得購買? 實用性?
Durability? most important
Brand Name?
值不值得買 ? 二手錶店的價格?
發表 發表於: 星期四 2004-07-01 00:13

alexchan 寫到:
Dear All Member

Breguet Type XX, Rolex GMT & JLC Master Meographic??
which one do your like? any point of views are much apprepricate.
機芯? 折扣? 漲價嗎?? 哪個值得購買? 實用性?
Durability? most important
Brand Name?
值不值得買 ? 二手錶店的價格?

It's hard to compare the 3, b/c Type XX is a chrono (offers date and no date), and it depends if you want straps or bracelet. Type XX with bracelet is a lot more expensive.

機芯? Lemania (typeXX), rolex (in-house), JLC (in-house)

哪個值得購買? cannot answer that, b/c it depends on your need.

實用性? depending on if you need chrono or 2nd time zone.

Cost? Not sure about the exact price, and depending on the trim. I believe the Rolex is the cheapest in this group and the Breguet can be the most expensive... again depending on the trim.

Durability? "most important".. I've never heard complains about typeXX or JLC. However, the general perception is Rolex is the best out of the 3.
And it's definitely the cheapest for overhaul and the easiest to fix.

Brand Name? Depends. Very hard to answer, b/c it's very personal. If you want to be recognized, then definitely Rolex. I personally would go for Bregeut>JLC>Rolex.

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